Friday, March 16, 2012

Exit Interviews

Exit interviews are a critical step in the employee separation process. Yet, in most organization in Pakistan, they are often ceremonial procedures only; standard questions are asked and certain forms are signed. However, exist interviews should be about listening to the employee, and viewed as an opportunity for the management to find out why their organization isn’t and ideal workplace.

HR Do’s & Don’ts
  • Don’t schedule the exit interview at the last stage of the resignation process. Conduct it immediately after the resignation notification, so remedial steps can be taken, especially if the person leaving is the key resource.
  • Use the interview to learn about issues afflicting other employees and share the top reasons for turnover with the senior management.
  • If the reason for leaving is listed as ‘personal’ make sure to investigate whether the employee has ticked this option to avoid listing issues such as harassment or knowledge of fraudulent activities.

Employee Do’s & Don’ts

  • Don’t use the exit interview to badmouth your former boss or vent about how you were not rewarded with a promotions. This will only reflect your poor social skills. If the reason why you are leaving is that you had a hard time working for your boss, state the problem. For example, “I was forced to work late on a daily basis which took a toll on me and my co-workers.”
  • If the person conducting the interview is at a senior level, convey your thoughts regarding the performance management system and key issues that your department faced.
  • If you were being discriminated against because of your religion, gender or ethnicity, state specific instances. If possible, provide evidence/witnesses to back your claim.
  • Share your career objectives with the interviewer; he or she may be conducting an exit interview now, but could be recruiting you at another organization in the future.

The writer is a branding consultant and can be contacted via LinkedIn.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to make impressive impression in an interview?

Most of the time it happens in our professional life that we come across a situation, where people complaining about the job they really deserve but failed to get that. This happens sometime just because people not using the right thing at the right time. I have found some common mistakes or missing attitude in peoples usually going through interviews and failing most of the time.

Mistake # 01: Attire

Most of the time people wear odd stuff that is not according to the job description or position they are being interviewed for. Always try to wear plain shirt and trousers always wear the matching waist-belt with the shoes. Black color is best choice for these trio belt-trousers-shoes, and the shirt can be of any choice but make sure to consider the plain which is consider as formal.

Mistake # 02: Shake hands firmly

Employer and/or people hiring for the organizations want the potential candidates to be with full of energy. No one likes to invest in the type of human resource that lack in the energy needed for the job, for that when you shake hands with the person interviewing you always shake hands firmly (make sure you are not going to break the hands) and with confident each time before starting interview and leaving the interview room. But this is not the case when opposite gender are there in the interview room, reduce the firmness accordingly.

Mistake # 03: Effective use of body language.

Sitting in the steady position throughout the interview gives the indication that you are not comfortable in the interview and you lack in confidence as well. Keep your body flexible enough and use your hands and facial expression to support your responses against each question. Effective use of body language always give the extra advantage and support your answers, fill the gap of the content that you are unable to deliver from words.

Mistake # 04: Never give frown face

Short-tempered people usually give the feeling of dislike when they are asked for an answer which is not directly map with the required knowledge and skills and usually give the bad answers. Always keep in mind that hiring an employee does not only mean to meet the skills required. There are certain things considered. If you are asked such question always try to give your best answers with all smiling face, this will reduce your anger and give the good impression on the interviewer.

These are the potential mistakes that candidates usually make. Using slight tricks one can leverage these mistakes and turn them into his/her favor. This is not a big deal.

All the very success!!!