Friday, January 15, 2016

Different characters in software development... -A short blog post

There are many people with different roles and responsibilities e.g. software developers, testers, marketing, sales and business development are involved in developing product with common set of goals like making a world a better place; and yet many people within the same organization do not value other peoples' work and take it for granted.

It happens quite often and people especially testers are complaining about the fact the are treated in isolated way. For example, they are treated as the expense on the company's balance sheet rather than assets and their work is taken many times for granted and many times their efforts are ignored. If tester finds a defect put enough effort in analyzing the issue but not able to get specific steps to reproduce the issue developers do not take it seriously and it keeps in the backlog for days, weeks and even months. But as soon the same or similar issues are reported from within the field or by some business related people it  becomes a nightmare for the entire engineering team and they put every bit of effort in reproducing and fixing that problem at any cost.

Above and such similar problems are real cause of the demotivation of testers within the industry. 

Do you have any similar instances to share ?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Leveraging python scripts

In the recent past I happened to have assigned a task of Uploading 200K files in total to some cloud app for testing purpose. The challenge was to create that many files, but, thanks to Python robustness that helped me saving myself from laborious and tedious work of creating folders and files within those folders.

Following is the script for that purpose.

#This script creates total of  200000 Files in 2000 folders 
#i.e each folder e.g MZ_STRESS_1 contains 100 text files
import os

file_list = os.listdir(r"F:\\python_projeects\\Folder_Library")
current_path = os.getcwd()
print("Current working directory : "+current_path)

for x in range(1,2001):
        for y in range(1,101):
            fo = open("F:\\python_projeects\\Folder_Library\MZ_STRESS_"+str(x)+"\\File_"+str(y)+".txt", "wb")

print("Job finished!!!")

Share your snippets you've ever prepared for doing such and similar small tasks using any language.

Happy testing! :-)